SAP Concur
The University of Alabama has adopted SAP Concur as our travel and expense management system. Concur will be our primary system for making travel reservations, reconciling non-travel P-Card transactions, submitting travel expense reports, processing payments for non-UA individuals, and payment of vendor invoices.
Customer Service
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions pertaining to the Concur Travel and Expense System.
- Call 205-348-7377
- Email
How do I Request Access to Concur?
The purpose of the Concur-P-Card User Access Request Form is to request (1) access to Concur, (2) a UA P-Card, and/or (3) a Concur Supervisor update. The form can be completed by a UA employee or by an employee’s delegate.
Once completed and submitted, the form will be routed to an org approver, who will review and approve all requests for access, P-Cards, and supervisor updates submitted through the form.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder to ensure that all transactions are reconciled, submitted, approved by all approvers (Supervisor and Budgetary approvers and Contract and Grant or Financial Accounting, if needed) and received in the queue of Procurement Services by 5 pm on the 25th of the month following the cycle end date. Sometimes, this date falls on a weekend holiday or needs to be extended or moved up. Below, you will find the due date for P-Card transactions for each cycle.
Upcoming Training Sessions
P-Card Policies & Procedures
Mar 21
Time01:30 p.m. – 02:30 p.m.
Location Virtual
Email Procurement Training to register.
P-Card Policies & Procedures
Apr 09
Time02:00 p.m. – 03:00 p.m.
Location Virtual
Email Procurement Training to register.
P-Card Policies & Procedures
Apr 24
Time09:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Location Virtual
Email Procurement Training to register.
P-Card Policies & Procedures
May 08
Time11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location Virtual
Email Procurement Training to register.
Latest News
- P-Card Services: Parking FeesThe PCard is the preferred method of payment for parking fees. When you are traveling to a meeting and/or conference and must pay for self-parking, please remember to use your PCard. By using your PCard to pay for parking fees, you will not need to pay out of pocket and… Read more: P-Card Services: Parking Fees
- Travel & Invoice: Concur Mileage CalculatorYou can create a car mileage expense using the Mileage Calculator link in Concur Expense. With the expense report open, click on the Add Expense button and select the Vehicle Mileage Expense Type. The mileage form will open with the required and optional fields displayed, including the Mileage Calculator link. Complete… Read more: Travel & Invoice: Concur Mileage Calculator
- Sponsorship ApprovalSponsorships require prior approval from the Director of Accounts Payable to determine the purpose of the sponsored entity and if a beneficial relationship can exist between the University and the sponsored entity or event. Sponsorship requests should now be submitted through the Branding & Licensing Form. By selecting “Sponsorship/Conference,” the… Read more: Sponsorship Approval
- P-Card Services: Policy Types for Concur Reports – P-Card TransactionsConcur reports can have one of the two following policy types: P-Card Non-Travel and Travel, Entertainment, & Reimbursements. Reports with incorrect policy types may need to be sent back for updates to make sure they are reviewed by the correct department in Procurement Services.The P-Card Non-Travel policy includes most items used for daily… Read more: P-Card Services: Policy Types for Concur Reports – P-Card Transactions
- Vendor Verification: New Gift Card Expense TypesTwo new expense types have been added to the P-Card Non-Travel Policy in Concur Expense for use when reconciling gifts, gift cards, prizes, and awards. Please use these expense types going forward so that the expenses can be appropriately reviewed. 781312 – Awards Nonmonetary-Gift/Prize/Award
- Travel & Invoice: International Travel RequestAll UA-related international travel for faculty and staff must be submitted using the Concur Request Module as an International Travel Request. The International Travel Request should be submitted prior to booking travel in order to provide notification to applicable departments on campus. With Concur Request, the University can consistently and… Read more: Travel & Invoice: International Travel Request
Procurement Services publishes a monthly newsletter to inform our campus partners about policy reminders and updates, Procurement systems, procedures reminders and updates, and events.
Procurement Services encompasses Accounts Payable, Contract Management, Construction Contracts & Compliance, Purchasing, and Procurement Training.