Category: Uncategorized

P-Card Out of Office Tips

It’s almost summertime at UA, and many faculty and staff members are traveling for both business and pleasure. If you are planning on going out of town for an extended period of time, a little preparation can go a long way in preventing any disruption in p-card usage for you and your department.
If you would like for P-Card Services to temporarily suspend your card while you’re traveling, you can email and let us know when you’ll be out of town. It would also be a good idea to assign a delegate in Concur in case anything comes up while you’re out.

Whether you’re a cardholder or an approver, it’s a great idea to download the Concur Mobile app so that you can quickly prepare, review, and approve reports on the go. Instructions for setting up Concur Mobile can be found on the Concur website.

If you’re traveling to a location where cell service or internet service are unreliable, please contact prior to your trip so that we can help you and your department come up with a plan for preparing, reviewing, and approving reports in your absence.

Payment Processing

The University of Alabama’s preferred method of payment is direct deposit.  All payments should be made via direct deposit when submitting expense reports and payment requests.  Direct deposit (ACH) payments are processed daily.  In the event a check must be issued, checks are only printed once a week, on Wednesday.  Payments (check and direct deposit) for Foundations are processed once a week.  For all types of payments, allow at least seven to ten business days for processing by Accounts Payable.  All payments should be processed timely.

In-State Travel

When completing an Expense Report in Concur for overnight travel within the State of Alabama, you should select the Report Type based on the reimbursement method you are using (See UA Travel Policy Section 10.0 – In-State Travel for UA Employees).  If utilizing the GSA reimbursement method, select “Domestic Overnight” as the Report Type within the Report Header.  If utilizing the State of Alabama in-state per diem reimbursement method, select “In-State Overnight (1 night)” or “In-State Overnight (2 or more nights)” as the Report Type within the Report Header.

US Bank’s Access Online

Access Online user profiles are set up for UA purchasing card holders. Access Online will allow cardholders to view posted transactions, single purchase and monthly limits, balances, available credit, and other account details. If you would like to use this resource, please view the registration instructions and then log into Access Online for the first time and finish setting up your profile.

Please note: Accountholders with a ghost account (no physical plastic) will not have access to their accounts in Access Online.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Concur Invoice Reminder

When submitting invoices for payment through the Concur Invoice module, please make sure to select the exact vendor that matches the vendor being paid.  After selecting the vendor, you can verify payment to the correct vendor by comparing the Vendor Information displayed in Concur to the information on the Invoice documentation (Vendor Invoice, Vendor Disclosure Statements, Independent Contractor Forms, etc.).  Please be sure to review the Vendor Name, Vendor Address, and Currency before submitting your invoice for payment.

Additional information on submitting invoices can be found in the Concur Invoice User Guide.  If you need any assistance in the vendor selection process, please email the Concur Help Desk at

Did you know you can create car mileage expenses using the Mileage Calculator Link in Concur Expense?

With the expense report open, click the Add Expense button and select the Vehicle Mileage Expense Type. The mileage form will open with the required and optional fields displayed, including the Mileage Calculator link.  Complete all required and optional fields as appropriate.  Click the Mileage Calculator link and review and update the route as appropriate.  If round trip mileage should be calculated, click Make Round Trip.  Click Add Mileage to Expense and then click Save.

Using personal automobiles for business travel is reimbursable when it is the most economical mode of transportation or when safety issues justify the additional cost.  The Traveler will be reimbursed up to the current IRS-authorized mileage rate for miles incurred.   Current IRS mileage rates are maintained on the Accounts Payable website.  Please review the links below for additional information.

Branding & Licensing Approval Forms

Before ordering custom-printed items such as promotional items and clothing, please review the information provided on Purchasing’s website regarding Branding & Licensing. A Branding & Licensing Approval Form is required for these items and should be attached as documentation for the expense in Concur. If a purchase is made without approval, it is possible that the product will not be allowable and will need to be refunded by the company or reimbursed to UA.

2024 Procurement Contract Vendor Fair

Please join us on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, as Procurement Services hosts a Contract Vendor Fair in The University of Alabama Student Center Ballroom from 10:00 AM until 1:30 PM.  Many of our current Contract Vendors will be on hand to showcase the products and services they provide for the University. We will have food and door prizes. We invite all UA Faculty and Staff to come meet our representatives face-to-face and learn more about their products and services.  There will be staff members from Procurement Services present throughout the day to assist and answer questions as well.  If you have any questions, please email Meagan Stockton at

Don’t forget to add the Contract Vendor Fair to your calendar! 

Tax Tip: 60-Day Rule for Expense Reports

To avoid tax consequences on expense reimbursements, University employees should remember the 60-Day Rule: Expense reports for out-of-pocket expenses must be submitted within 60 days from the date the expense was incurred (in the case of travel, within 60 days from end of the trip).

Per federal tax regulations, expenses submitted after 60 days will be reported as taxable income to the employee, and applicable Federal, State, FICA, and Medicare taxes will be deducted from a subsequent salary check. Timely reporting and submission of expense reports is the responsibility of the employee being reimbursed regardless of whether the employee self-submits or has designated a delegate for expense reporting. When combining smaller instances into one expense report, employees are encouraged to submit at least once a month. (For example, mileage logs or multiple small out-of-pocket expenses)

The 60-Day Rule is stated in the University’s spending and travel policies and is necessary to comply with the IRS safe-harbor guidelines for expense reimbursements. For more information, refer to the following website links: